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Meet our Director

I would be a poor teacher before I was a rich anything else! I absolutely love to teach
— Mrs. V
Tamica Vasconez


Curriculum and Instruction Director

Mrs. Vasconez’s motto is, “I would be a poor teacher before I was a rich anything else!  I absolutely love to teach”! She has been teaching for over 15 years. Her career in education began in Brooklyn, New York, where she tutored troubled youth. Mrs. Vasconez attended Marymount Manhattan College, majoring in Elementary Education.  After relocating to Atlanta, she entered the field of education focusing on early childhood. She has since had the opportunity to work with infants up to 8th grade. Tamica has received her Bachelors in Interdisciplinary studies with a focus on Early Childhood and Elementary Education. Her favorite things include singing, going to the movies, math and costume jewelry. 

Role and Responsibilities: Mrs. Vasconez oversees the daily instruction of all students.  This includes: Lesson planning, Lesson delivery, Meal service, Enrichment activities and Physical Education/Recess.  Mrs. Vasconez also manages materials needed to support the implementation of the curriculum.