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Hearts to Hands

It is our mission to reach communities by making essential needs available without the worry of finances. We are determined
to serve, Bless and fulfill the homes and hearts of those in need.  It is our desire not only to feed the outer person, but the inner
person as well. We accomplish this through our partnership with City of Fairburn - Fairburn Youth Center by setting up shopping environments similar to those of high-end department stores and allowing our customers to shop not pick. All items are received through charitable donations from great citizens like you!

Currently we are seeking donations for the following:

  • new and gently used clothing for all ages

  • new toys

  • baby needs (pampers, wipes, toiletries)

  • coats/jackets

  • new and gently used shoes for all ages

  • blankets

  • hats

For more ways to be a blessing, drop-off/pick-up info or to become a volunteer of our Hearts to Hands Community Outreach Program, please contact Tamica Vasconez @ 404.438.2321 or via email 

Click below to make a financial donation to Hearts-to-Hands! We greatly appreciate your donations!